Coaching Skills for Library Supervisors: Building a Performance Culture, One Employee at a Time (archived webinar)

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This is an archived webinar available from our new archived webinar platform "SERLS Academy".  Once you've registered, follow this link to join the SERLS Academy 

Once your account is created (easy to do...just your email and a password)  Jay will be alerted that you're registered in the academy and you'll be able to access the archived webinars.

This particular online experience is a mere 60 minutes in length.  Easy to fit into your busy schedule.  

The cost you ask?   No charge for SERLS members...a mere $15.00 for all other libraries.  Enjoy. 

Library supervisors can create the workplace they want, where focused, motivated, and self-directed employees want to come to work, develop, and grow. Library leaders can learn to coach to get these results. 

Coaching is an employee-centered and time-focused process. It helps bosses at all levels create a realistic prescription for change, using tools, experience, guidance, career-path mentoring, and continuing support. 

Employees can be both taught and led, using coaching interventions that help them build their skills, redirect unproductive behaviors, and become more self-reliant. 

This webinar program will help supervisors solve a complex organizational problem - how to get the very best from your employees, at every level. 

We will focus more on coaching tools and less on coaching theories. It will help all participants take the information they need for their specific library facilities and the employees they will be coaching, currently, or in the future. 


Key Learning Outcomes: 

  • Preparing for coaching meetings, using examples of performance or behavior gaps, not labels.
  • Dealing with employees' range of emotions.
  • Assigning "homework" to employees to do at work and reinforce the coaching meeting results and discussed tools for change.
  • Developing a coaching plan and tracking progress over time.
  • Keeping coaching files.


Who Should Attend:  This program is for anyone in a library supervisory position or preparing to become a supervisor, including department directors, managers, and supervisors, and/or employees who are acting supervisors or will soon promote.

 SERLS Member Libraries: $0.00

All Other Libraries: $15.00